Linggo, Hulyo 27, 2014

The Interview

My Experience during our interview is very satisfying, Because not only we get to other places, we also get to experience some of the business side of multimedia.

On July 1, 2014 we set off to Manila at 8:30 a.m., we got there an hour after.  First we had breakfast on KFC in Araneta Center. Then we go to Krispy Kreme, to buy our token of gratitude, then we set off.


We set off to go to our meeting place in Quezon Avenue, So we need to use the MRT to get there, because its much faster and cheaper. When we got there we waited in a Cafe, but we don't know that our interviewee was already there.  Our interviewee is Sir Mikko David, Head Photographer and columnist of Top Gear magazine, at first I though that Sir Mikko would be in a serious mood, because it's a interview, but he welcomes us and started a little chat, He makes us feel comfortable with him, Before we start our interview we gave him our token of gratitude, he accepts it, and guess what? He share it with us. Then we proceed to our real objective to get some insights  with our interviewee, As we progress through the interview, He made me realize that, If you really have the passion for what you do, You don't have to put so much effort and energy in what you do, because you enjoy it. He gave us tips about being a photographer, and the business side of Photography.

After we finish our interview, we chat a little, He told us a little bit about his career and his passion, I was shocked that he told us that he was a racer back then, He is a car enthusiast, and I was really excited because I am also into cars just like he is. I showed him a copy of my Top Gear Magazine issue, and he showed us some of his articles in that issue of the magazine. 

After that we took some Photos with him and thank him for the time and effort to see us, and I hope I get to see him again, Because he is a really inspiring Photographer for me. 

The whole experience of the Interview for me was a blast, not only I get to meet other persons, I also get a chance to bond with my classmates.

Credits for Photos: Alec Moreto

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